was a blast!


Also a big thanks to everyone that set up. I think this show was SOSOSOOOOOOOOOOOO epic >_<

Thanks to all the bands/djs that came out and to all the friends and families of the entire class.

Here are some pictures I took tonight. Not the greatest, I was running off of pure sugar all day (ask Gabe, he knows) If you have pictures you would like on the website, you can go head and email me etc.

Alrighty thats all I have for tonight. DON’T FORGET TO SHOW UP TO ATTEND THE GALLERY AT YOUR ASSIGNED TIMESSSS!! also be on time plz ktnx bai.



publicity <3333

This is some neat clock artwork.

Check it out!


Neat art buy some dude

suicide grafitti thing

And some more stuff by other people



stencil art

Yeah I thought this was pretty interesting. YAY.




This blog needs some images. Upon request, here are some of the works made by the artists I showed earlier today. Thanks for letting me share it with you guys!

Michael Wolf photography

Michael Wolf’s Architecture of Density series.
Check out this series and other ones like his 100×100 at Michael Wolf

Artwork by Felice Varini

This a mirror on the floor looking at the ceiling

Felice Varini artwork
This is the other view

Artwork by Felice Varini

Yet another view
You can check out his other works at:
Felice Varini

Kusama Yayoi art work

Kusama Yayoi’s Fireflies. You can see more of her work at Kusama Yayoi

Last is Erwin Redl’s Matrix II seen at the MOCA Ecstasy exhibit

Erwin Redl's Matrix II

So I had pretty bad images for my midterm (thanks to the lack of color ink in my printer) so here is a picture of with a few examples of Tim Noble & Sue Webster’s sculpture work. I think it’s pretty rad and it is by far the best thing I came across for the paper….

Shadow Sculpture!!

I don’t know why, but I think Gabe would like this… for some reason…



This piece reminds me of Mia’s stick ladder.
This is Kusama Yayoi’s Ladder to Heaven. I don’t think the images are very good, but I imagine in person to be arresting.


Thanks to those who read :)

Hey everyone, do any of you know where I can get some relatively cheap frames in the OC? And please, don’t say Ikea… lol

Thank yoouuuu :)

– Dianne

SO Eunice’s proposal today reminded me of Kusama Yayoi’s Peep Show
I wonder how many ppl are lookin at the blog?

Comment if you’re looking! Thanks ya’ll
– Julie

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